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We Are

An initiative for the AdTech industry

Our mission is to help publishers and buyers gain insight into the authenticity of the parties who mediate between them. By doing so, we hope to promote transparency as well as curb ad fraud and other malpractices casting a shadow over the AdTech ecosystem.

  • Hand icon in about page

    We Care

    We care about AdTech

    We’ve been a part of this industry for a long time now. Long enough to feel that it is an integral part of who we are. Long enough to feel obligated to make it better. Long enough to care for it.

  • Lighthouse icon in about page

    We Believe

    We believe in transparency

    Transparency is paramount for our industry. And yet, the tools created to promote it are hard to grasp. Too many members of the AdTech ecosystem find them complicated and obscure. Too many are lost in the dark.

  • Sunrise icon in about page

    We Love Brightness

    We fight the darkness

    Our aim is to simplify, explain, elucidate, illuminate and help members of the ad industry navigate their way through technological complexity on their journey to transparency.

We Are Here

Literally. Try us. Ask a question. Share a thought. Give feedback. Open a discussion.

We would really like to hear from you!

Let's Make AdTech Better Together.